“Green Central Asia” supported the Inspectorate for Control over the Safety of Water Management Facilities and Water Use under the Ministry of Water Resources in drafting the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the Safety of Hydraulic Structures”, which was discussed on May 4, 2023, by the parliamentarians of fractions of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis (Parliament) and approved in the second reading.
The provision of international and national expertise made it possible to analyze the existing legal and regulatory framework for the safety of hydraulic structures and to formulate this new important law. On August 30, 2023, with presidential decree No. LRU-865 this law came into force.
We expect that the newly adopted Law “On the Safety of Hydraulic Structures” will contribute significantly to the future “Water Code”, which is currently worked on by an inter-ministerial working group and that it will contribute to the future safety and risk assessment of hydraulic structures in Uzbekistan.
You can read the full text here: https://lex.uz/ru/docs/6588801
For reference: Adaptation to climate change in Central Asia, as one of the most water-stressed regions of the world, is of crucial importance. Special attention should be paid to the implementation of IWRM (Integrated Water Resources Management), which considers watershed resources in terms of a holistic, integrated and comprehensive catchment system. The safety and reliability of the technical condition of all reservoirs and other hydraulic structures plays a special role here.
The Water Sector Development Concept of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030 approved by Presidential Decree No. PD-6042 dated July 10, 2020, defines the goals, objectives and priority directions of water sector development in the Republic of Uzbekistan for the medium and long-term perspective. Issues of ensuring safety and reliability of the technical condition of hydraulic structures are part of this concept.