On May 25-26, 2023, in Dushanbe a subregional workshop on mine tailings safety and the prevention of accidental water pollution in Central Asia was organized by the UNECE Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents, in cooperation with the Government of Tajikistan and Green Central Asia, which provided financial support jointly with the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, OSCE and the United Nations Regular Programme of Technical Cooperation.
The main objectives of the subregional workshop were to strengthen tailings risk governance; to present recent achievements by Central Asian countries in this area, notably since the last subregional workshop on this topic, held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, in 2019; and to exchange experiences, good practices and lessons learned on the prevention of accidental water pollution from tailings at the regional level.
The workshop was attended by representatives from industrial safety and water authorities of Central Asia, operators, NGOs, academia and international organizations. Among others, the workshop featured a high-level panel discussion among Vice-Ministers from the region on key challenges and needs concerning tailings safety; a round-table discussion on strengthening joint contingency planning in the Syr Darya River Basin; and examples of applying a multi hazard/risk approach in Central Asia and beyond.
More information and all presentations you can find here: https://unece.org/media/news/379256