On October 18-19, in Tashkent, Green Central Asia held the 3rd Meeting of the Regional Working Group (RWG) on the Development of the “Regional Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change in Central Asia”. The RWG meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representatives of environment ministries and committees of all Central Asian countries. Representatives of the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development (ICSD) and the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) also joined the meeting.
At the second RWG meeting, which was held on July 7, in Tashkent, the structure and format of the Regional Strategy were agreed upon. According to this, international experts prepared a preliminary draft of the Strategy which was sent to state authorized bodies and national experts for comments and remarks. In the third working group meeting the text was discussed and adjusted and the general set-up was agreed.
Based on the decision of the RWG and the proposals of the national accounts a regional expert of Green Central Asia will prepare an updated version of the Strategy. This version will be the first official draft of the Regional Strategy, which will be officially sent to the countries for discussion in December.
For reference:
The goal of the regional strategy is to develop a mechanism for cooperation among Central Asian countries to support efforts in adapting to climate change and implement joint measures.
Objectives of the strategy:
– Strengthen regional coordination on adaptation to climate change
– Development of mechanisms for development and implementation of adaptation projects/programs, and fundraising
– Improving adaptation capacity through accumulation, knowledge exchange and scientific cooperation
– Development of climate monitoring, information exchange and forecasting systems