Memorandum of Understanding is signed

On 29 October 2020, the second climate meeting of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs representatives and parliamentarians of the Central Asian countries was held online. This important event was organized by CAREC within the framework of the Regional project “Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin” (CAMP4ASB) financed by the World Bank.

Programme Manager Dr. Caroline Milow introduced Green Central Asia: Regional Initiative on Climate, Environment and Security in Central Asia and Afghanistan. In her presentation, she elaborated on the Green Central Asia initiative of the German Federal Foreign Office, which contributes to the implementation of the new EU-Central Asia Strategy of June 2019. Green Central Asia will serve as a regional dialogue platform striving to bring together all national, regional and international stakeholders. Ms. Milow also explained planned capacity building activities such as supporting hydrological forecasting and forecasting agricultural yields, digitalization, as well as raising public awareness on climate change issues.

During the meeting, a ceremony of signing a memorandum of understanding between the GIZ Program “Green Central Asia: Transboundary Dialogue on Climate, Environment and Security in Central Asia and Afghanistan” and CAREC took place.



