On March 25, the Green Central Asia Programme organized a meeting in Tashkent with the Uzbek delegation to the regional working group for the development of a regional document on climate change adaptation in Central Asia. The discussion with the representatives of the Ministry of Water Resources, the State Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection and the Center for Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan was led by the international expert, Mr. Rieks Bosch representing HYDROC Consultancy and Dr. Caroline Milow, Programme Manager of the Green Central Asia Programme.
The possible content and potential structure of the regional document on climate change adaptation as well as priorities for the Republic of Uzbekistan were discussed at the meeting, and the parties agreed on an intensified mutual exchange of information.
During his first fact finding mission to Central Asia, Mr. Rieks will visit the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan. Due to the pandemic, the meeting with the working group members of Turkmenistan will be held online.
For reference:
Rieks Bosch is a senior expert with over 30 years’ experience in climate change adaptation and integrated natural resource governance. He produced several climate change scoping studies and reviews in Central Asia, the Black Sea region, South Caucasus and developed climate change strategies and action plans.
HYDROC Consultancy is an association of independent consultants, -scientists and -engineers, providing water related services through a network of national and international experts. Their concept uses the synergies of combined expertise for the successful implementation of a variety of projects.