Green Central Asia -TIIAME Lecture Series

Lecturers: Dr. Muhammad Usman*, Prof. Christopher Conrad*

*Department of Geoecology, Martin Luther University Halle, Germany

In the framework of Green Central Asia (GCA), Martin Luther University Halle, Germany in collaboration with TIIAME, Uzbekistan has organized a series of 5 lectures for the students of MSc/Ph.D. The contents of these lectures were about agricultural water usage using remote sensing and modeling approaches. The students were trained with state-of-the-art tools/ techniques of data processing including QGIS, WUEMoCA, FAO ETo Calculator, FAO CropWat, USGS WinSRFR models. The students were trained about crop and water productivity, irrigation application efficiency estimation at regional and field scales in Aral Sea Basin. Moreover, on-farm water management strategies using the WinSRFR modeling tool were taught and explored for field water application evaluation and design.

Course Contents:



October 18

GCA-TIIAME online lectures and exercises on WUEMoCA I: Theoretical background on WUEMoCA and irrigation efficiency in the Aral Sea Basin

October 27

GCA-TIIAME online lectures and exercises on WUEMoCA II: Introduction to WUEMoCA tool: Estimation of Potential ET

November 17

GCA-TIIAME online lectures and exercises on WUEMoCA III: WUEMoCA Use Case 1 – Land-use intensity

December 08

GCA-TIIAME online lectures and exercises on WUEMoCA IV: WUEMoCA Use Case 2+3 – Crop water productivity & Irrigation Efficiency

December 15

GCA-TIIAME online lectures and exercises on WUEMoCA VI: Analysis of surface irrigation system using ‘Winsrfr’


